Saskaberry Ranch

Saskaberry Ranch

Email Address

Address RR 2, Site 9, Box 15
Olds, Alberta T4H 1P3

Phone Number (403) 507-8994

Contact Phil Trenholm



We Farm Fruits, Vegetables, Beef, Chicken, Other Proteins

Pre-Picked/Custom Orders Yes

Pick-Your-Own Yes

Delivery Yes

Farm Gate Sales Yes

Hours of Operation Upick hours are 9:00 am – 6:00 pm Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday and open 9:00 am-8:00 pm Thursdays The rest of the year is by appointment Monday through Saturday

Directions From Cochrane, we are 65 km north on Highway 22 to township road 324, and we are about 200 meters west off of the highway on the north side. From Olds we are 25 km west on highway 27 to Highway 22, turn south for 2.4 km to township road 324, and we are about 200 meters west off of the highway on the north side.

Certifications Provincial (i.e. AHS), Environmental Farm Plan

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